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2023 Your Rights under IL Employment Laws

Writer: altastaffaltastaff

Your Rights Under Illinois Employment Laws

Wage Increases Schedule

Effective Jan. 1, 2023. . . . . . $13.00

Effective Jan. 1, 2024. . . . . . $14.00

Effective Jan. 1, 2025. . . . . . $15.00

Minimum Wage $13.00 per hour (Effective Jan. 1, 2023)

and Overtime Hotline: 1-800-478-3998

• Coverage: Applies to employers with 4 or more employees. Domestic workers are covered even

if the employer only has 1 worker. Certain workers are not covered by the Minimum Wage Law

and some workers may be paid less than the minimum wage under limited conditions. For more

information, visit our website. (See wage increases schedule above.)

• Tipped Employees: Must be paid at least 60% of the applicable minimum wage. If an employee’s

tips combined with the wages from the employer do not equal the minimum wage, the employer

must make up the difference.

• Overtime: Most hourly employees and some salaried employees are covered by the overtime law

and must be compensated at time and one-half of their regular pay for hours worked over 40 in a


Unpaid Wages Hotline: 1-312-793-2808

Wage Payment and Collection Act

• Employees must receive their final compensation, including earned wages, vacation pay,

commissions and bonuses on their next regularly scheduled payday. • Unauthorized deductions from paychecks are not allowed except as specified by law. • Employers must reimburse employees for all necessary expenditures or losses incurred by an

employee during the scope of employment and related to services performed for the employer.

Employee must submit reimbursement request within 30 calendar days unless an employer policy

allows for additional time to submit.

Meal and Rest Periods Hotline: 1-312-793-2804

One Day Rest in Seven Act

• Provides employees with 24 consecutive hours of rest within every seven (7) consecutive day period. • Employers may obtain permits from the Department allowing employees to voluntarily work seven

consecutive days. • Employees working 7 1/2 continuous hours must be allowed a meal period of at least 20 minutes no

later than 5 hours after the start of work, and an additional 20 minutes if working a 12 hour shift

or longer. • Employees must be afforded reasonable bathroom breaks.

Equal Pay Act Hotline: 1-866-372-4365

• Requires employers to pay equal wages to men and women doing the same or substantially similar

work, unless such wage differences are based upon a seniority system, a merit system, or factors

other than gender.

• Employers and employment agencies are banned from asking applicants past wage and

compensation histories.

• Employees may disclose or discuss their own salaries, benefits, and other compensation with their

co-workers and colleagues.

• Employers are not allowed to pay less to African American employees versus a non-African

American employees.

• Certain employees at large businesses may request wage/salary history for their job title from IDOL.

Violent Crime Victims’ Leave

Hotline: 1-866-372-4365

Provides employees who are victims of domestic, gender, or sexual violence, or other crimes of

violence, or who have family members who are victims with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a

12-month period.

Child Labor Hotline: 1-800-645-5784

Workers under Age 16

• Children under the age of 14 may not work in most jobs, except under limited conditions.

• 14 and 15-year-olds may work if the following requirements are met:

• Employment certificates have been issued by the school district and filed with the Department of

Labor confirming that a minor is old enough to work, physically capable to perform the job, and

that the job will not interfere with the minor’s education;

• The work is not deemed a hazardous occupation (a full listing can be found on our website);

• Work is limited to 3 hours per day on school days, 8 hours per day on non-school days and no

more than 6 days or 48 hours per week;

• Work is performed only between the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the school year

(7 a.m. to 9 p.m. June through September); and

• A 30-minute meal period is provided no later than the fifth hour of work.

This is a summary of laws that satisfies Illinois Department of Labor posting requirements. For a complete text of the laws, visit our website at:

For more information or to file a complaint, contact us at: 524 South 2nd St, Suite 400, Springfield, IL 62701 • Springfield 217-782-6206

160 N. LaSalle, St, Suite C-1300, Chicago, IL 60601 • Chicago 312-793-2800 • Marion 618-993-7090


Printed by the Authority of the State of Illinois. 100 copies R020223 IL452-01/23 23-0625

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